C&MICB Ordering Guidance
Please note all orders for IT equipment need to be approved by the ICB Head of Digital Operations (cmicb-digital@cheshireandmerseyside.nhs.uk) and orders should not be placed with the CSU unless agreed.
Only new starters have equipment in stock with the CSU and Managers need to follow the New Starters Process for this.
Primary Care
Please note any request for IT Equipment should follow the following :-
ARRS Equipment needs to be approved by the ICB Place Primary Care Lead who will then send confirmation over to the CSU for issuing.
BAU – this is for replacement of faulty existing IT hardware and an Incident needs to be logged for a technician to check, they will fix or replace any item after reviewing.
ADDITIONAL – Any requests for additional IT equipment should go via the ICB Place Primary Care Leads for approval and not to the CSU ordering team.