Using uBook to transform room booking at Birmingham & Solihull Mental Health FT
How our UBook product was used by Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health Foundation Trust to drive efficiencies and help manage desk bookings during the Covid-19 pandemic
We provide IT solutions to NHS, Local Government and Charitable organisations. We can help with your Infrastructure, Cloud & Software solutions, Primary Care IT needs, IT Training and more.
Your NHS partner for improving health and integrating care
NHS compliant web & application design, development and management. Bespoke applications tailored to your needs hosted on professional grade Azure or HSCN technologies.
Cloud based solutions utilising Microsoft 365 technology.
Flexible end-to-end scalable infrastructure including Servers, Networking, Desktop Support, Storage, Facilities and more.
Including Capacity Planning, Change Management, IT Ordering, Asset Management.
Professionally managing and leading IT projects and programmes.
Ensuring equipment, data, network, emails and websites are secure 24 hours a day, seven days a week
Delivering the support your users need in a timely professional manner.
GP System Support including EMIS, Vision, SystmOne and Summary Care Records
Our Training team; training in various systems including, GP Systems, Office, Choose and Book, Umbraco, SharePoint etc
Aligning with all relevant business and industry bodies ensures we always use the best practice approaches
Debbie Bywater | Chief Information Officer